Saturday, May 7, 2011

Indevin Winery

As vintage comes to a close, our hours have been reduced from 12hr shifts to 8hrs.  This has allowed me to finally update my blog!  The vintage went smoothly and I learned so much valuable information and have meet some great friends from all over the world.  Indevin crushed a total of 29,500 tonnes of grapes for the 2011 harvest! 

Here are some pictures from the winery.  
This is a continuous flotation machine, the juice comes straight from the presses and nitrogen is pumped into it and this makes the lees float to the top where it is scrapped off sent off to another location in the winery.  After a few hours in the flotation the juice from the bottom is pumped into the tanks, this flotation can fill a 240,000 liter tank.

This is our common break room.  This is where we enjoyed our break time, socialized and ate lunch together.

We also got either beer (on tap) or wine after each of our shifts and we could relax on the couches or play darts or pool.

This was known as the "West Presses" where we would receive grapes and press them before the juice was sent off to tanks or the flotation devices.

These presses were known as the "East Presses"

These machines were used for filtering out the lees and solids and were part of the RDV (Rotary Drum Vaccum filter) section of the winery, the machines were located throughout the winery.

Now that vintage is over, most of the people I've meet are leaving and will travel for a few months before returning to their homes or other countries preparing for the upcoming vintages.  Indevin extended some contracts to people in the cellar through July, including to Monica so we will continue to live together and we hope to explore the Blenheim area a little more now the we will have some more free time. I hope to upload some more pictures of the area and winery in the future.  Thank you all for reading and I hope everyone is doing well!

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